A glimpse into the ministry and mind (and all the craziness in between) of a working wife and mom...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A New Journey...

This past Saturday, I was 'laid off' from my real estate job with a local developer. While, I know the reasoning was 100% financial on their part, it still stings a bit. You can't imagine how low and fast your heart can drop unless you've heard the words...'We're going to have to let you.' I had never heard them. There hasn't been a day in my adult life that I haven't had a job. And, I've never been let go. So, this is a completely new feeling!
A friend of mine always used to talk about perspective. We all look at life through a certain perspective. And, while I am sure I will have low moments. I am walking into this journey as a new opportunity. God has a purpose in all things. And, it's when I don't exactly know my next step that I MUST place all of my faith completely in HIM. I think he's giddy right now. Because if I were honest, I can't say that I always do that: place ALL my faith in Him. I mean I trust him for the overall picture and I seek Him at large decisions, etc. etc. But, He wants me to DAILY NEED HIM! It's only when we've put aside our self reliance, pride and busyness that we can see just how deprived and in need we are!
So watch, walk, and share with me along this new journey ...

What did I learn?   I NEED HIM. BUT, HE WANTS ME!

(Packing my things was not fun! But, somehow I managed to fit 7 years into this!)

1 comment:

  1. Reading this post really put losing a job into perspective for me! I, as well, don't know the sting of getting let go, but when I saw your picture of all your stuff you had to pack up, and thinking about how sad it must have been to have to do that, I got sad!! I'm sorry that you had to go through that, and I'm also glad that it's given you a new perspective and you're stronger for it! I'm praying for you! :D
