A glimpse into the ministry and mind (and all the craziness in between) of a working wife and mom...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Great Links to Frugal/Make-it-yourself Christmas Gifts...

If you're on Pinterest, you've seen these everywhere. If you're not on Pinterest, step away from the mouse and do not enter. It has the ability to pull you in and not let go!! (Thank you Heather Boyd once again...)

From Creating Keepsakes (#9 on the list)

Here are some great links to great frugal gift giving ideas:

1) Gift Basket Ideas: http://darlingdoodles.blogspot.com/search/label/gift%20ideas
2) Neighbor Gift Ideas: http://www.howdoesshe.com/30-neighbor-gift-ideas
3) Homemade Gift Ideas: http://www.squidoo.com/diy-gift-ideas-for-men-women-homemade-present-tutorials-crafts-christmas
4) 40 Edible Gifts: http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/gift-guides/yummy-packages-38-homemade-gifts-from-the-kitchn-recipe-roundup-133621
5) Inexpensive Gifts: http://www.craftynest.com/2010/08/inexpensive-handmade-holiday-gift-ideas-part-1/
6) Handmade Gifts (This is probably my favorite!): http://www.everythingetsy.com/2011/08/101-simple-handmade-gift-tutorials/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Everythingetsycom+%28EverythingEtsy.com%29
7) If you sew, this is a great one!: http://www.tipjunkie.com/home-made-christmas-gift-ideas/
8) Mixes in a Jar Recipes: http://www.mixesinajar.com/mixes/snacks/smoresquaresinajar.shtml
9) "Hip" Gift Ideas (This one looks pretty good as well): http://www.creatingkeepsakes.com/articles/101_hhg_chapter_3
10) 400 Gift Ideas (who has time to think of this?): http://www.tipjunkie.com/2011-homemade-gift-guides/

Ok, that's the top ten probably. Enjoy your Frugal...Less Stressfull...More Meaningful Christmas!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ahhh...nice breather...now back to blogging!!!

That was a nice little breather from blogging! Now back to it. Today, when I turned on the music in our model home (to 98.9 of course), to my surprise ok I admit it... to my delight, I heard CHRISTMAS MUSIC. My delight was shortly followed by the heart dropping feeling that I really need to start thinking about Christmas and all that it entails. Does it seem to sneak up on anyone else? Sure I think nice futuristic thoughts in September and October. But, November is the get off the pot time (was that vulgar?!?) time.  This year is a bit different for Justin and I. It's the BUDGET year. As most of you know, we have made the transition from nice, cushy/salary job to follow your dream/straight commission job. So, while things are actually going wonderful. We are extra cautious due to unknown droughts that could appear in our financial future at anytime.So, we are making a major move. I'm going to talk about the dreaded Christmas budget. *Vulnerability Alert* Our budget has always been a bit more in my opinion because of  the shear amount of people that we love and who also happen to be in our somewhat immediate family. In years past our budget has been anywhere from $500 - $700. Well, we're scaling back...WAY...WAY.........WAY back. This year, our goal is to do Christmas under $200! .................. sorry. I had to get my jaw off the floor. It's possible but here's what it involved to get to this point:

1) A re-evaluation of our finances.
2) A complete re-evaluation of the intended purpose for Christmas. (that was enough for us!)
3) Discussions with some family members to communicate our love but also our purpose this Christmas.

So, I'll be sharing some of my Christmas gift ideas this season (all the while trying to keep most things under wrap just in case friends and family peek here once in a while!). I'll give you my tally towards the end and let you know how this goes.

At the risk of completely annoying some of you....