A glimpse into the ministry and mind (and all the craziness in between) of a working wife and mom...

Monday, October 10, 2011

A New Workout...

So, on the lovely (and completely addicting) Pinterest, I found a workout plan that seems intriguing. It almost looks too easy until I looked at the end and saw what I was working towards!! Basically, it's a 60 day plan with a simple, 'do-it-yourself' workout plan that I should be able to easily do without waking up the child and the husband. It's from this blog. So, go on over there to see much more information. Here is a snippet from Pinterest as well:

 Level Three ends up looking like this:

 So...this is probably the new plan! I'll (of course!) keep you updated.

The Goal: Complete all 3 levels in 60 days
The Plan: Do it in the morning!

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