A glimpse into the ministry and mind (and all the craziness in between) of a working wife and mom...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How does she do it all?!?

There are some women that I look at and think: "How does she do it all?" There are so many moms (stay at home and working moms) that have crazy full schedules yet they manage to have dinner on the table every night and sit down as a family (one of THE most important things to do as a family in my opinion). So here are my top FOUR things that help keep moms sane all the while getting the job done:

1) Morning Routine: If I have time to sit down and do these three things, my day goes MUCH smoother...
  • Quiet Time - THE single most important thing you are going to do all day. And, there is one crucial word in there that lends itself to the morning: QUIET! Spending time with the Lord in His word and praying keeps your focus where it needs to be!
  • Work Out - I feel so much better when I can get atleast 10 minutes of a workout in. Did you hear that? 10 minutes. It's ok if you don't have an hour to do every single workout. A 10 minute walk/run is better than not doing anything at all!
  • Day Planning - I take 5 minutes to do a couple of things: a) plan dinner b) look at my calendar c) make a list of 3 things that, if they are completed, would make me feel like I actually accomplished something (note: this isn't normally a daily chore like laundry, dishes, etc. It's normally sewing a button on the sweater that I haven't worn in 6 months because I can never find 3 minutes to sew a button!)
This format laregly comes http://www.inspiredtoaction.com/

2) Casseroles and Slow Cooker Recipes: These are what I live by! When I make a casserole, I almost always make two and freeze one. I buy a whole chicken when it's on sale, put it in a slower cooker and you've got shredded chicken for mexican, homemade chicken salad and great chicken stock you can freeze! Casserole Dishes and my Slow Cooker are two things I absolutely cannot live without in my kitchen!

(Another great tool is http://www.mealtimemakeover.com/ if you don't want to think about anything. It plans out dinner every night for you!)

3) Dinner with my family every night, no exception: This is one of those non-negotiables in my book. Dinner might be a sandwich at Daddy's softball game or quick Mexican before Daddy's school night. But, it's always together! Now, this is easy with a 3 year old and no soccer, ballet, etc. etc. But, I know families who make this happen because it's a priority. This keeps us close and helps us know what's going on in each other's life! It help keeps the important things important and divides the fluff stuff that tends to take you away from the important! (did that make sense?)

(Dinner Date with my sweet girl this week)

4) No Idle Hands: I am always doing SOMETHING! Call it time management, the in-ability to sit still or even A.D.D. But, it helps me get the little things done. If I'm sitting, waiting for a meeting to start, I'm normally doing something like organizing my Rolodex. If I'm in the car on my way to somewhere (which in real estate is like 30-40% of my day!), I'm listening to a book on tape, a real estate cd or calling a friend/family/client list that I made that morning! If I'm watching tv, I'm making a grocery list, picking up toys or doing something during the commercials. This is how I get all the SMALL STUFF completed and de-clutter my mind be checking something off of my 'all important' list.

Exhausted yet? I am! I completely crash at night after everyone goes to bed. But, I have used every day (or most, there's always that 'off' day that goes nothing like what you wanted!) to the fullest and normally go to bed feeling good about what I have 'accomplished' for the day. Now, on to tomorrow ...

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