A glimpse into the ministry and mind (and all the craziness in between) of a working wife and mom...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Three Parenting Methods (as learned in our Adoption Class)

The last two Saturdays, Justin and I have been in our adoption classes (from 9-5). A lot of the class was learning how to deal with the adoption process and how to love and care for this new child coming into our home. But, there was a section that was insightful to me: the three parenting methods. I feel like there are many more styles than just these three. But, this is how they presented them:

Major General: It's my way or the highway. Do as I say. No questions. Period.
Excusing Friend: I'm here to be my child's friend so they'll talk to me. My child would never do that! Excuses for why the child behaved in a negative way. Never Responsible.
Caring Coach: Encouragement. Explanation. Goal is to coach and teach on life in every circumstance.

This made me think about the way I parent my precious 3 year old. There are certainly times that I can hear the major general come out. Times that I don't feel like I have time to sit down and talk/explain why something is wrong or why we don't do it in our house. The whole purpose of discipline is to teach/train a child. It was a great time of reflection for me. Life isn't always about JUST rules and consequences (though it's imperative to teach). Sometimes, it's about showing a child how to do something or why they shouldn't do something.

Real Life Example: Our sweet girl likes to get up early and eat peanut butter. She is hungry as soon as she wakes up and is ready to eat and LOVES peanut butter. Well, this has been going on almost every day for 2 weeks now. Every morning, we get up tell her no and put her in time out. Well, that method is clearly not working. I'm not explaining to her why she can't eat and training her to come and get mommy. (I understand that explanation for a 3 year old looks different than a 13 year old.) So, tomorrow morning, we're going to try a different method and see if it works.

What did I learn: Caring Coach always encourages, teaches and trains the teammates!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quick Grocery Budget Update...

Quick Grocerty Budget Update:

(Drumroll please)
Spent $26.63
Saved: $77.03
74% Savings

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Refinishing/Antiquing Furniture...

About a year ago, we moved from about 1000 square feet into 2400 square feet. I was amazed at how  our 'stuff'' from  our small house actually filled up our big house. But, we still needed some miscellaneous furniture. And, I knew that I didn't have (nor did I want to spend) the money to go buy all *new* furniture. There's always been something about grandma's hand-me-downs and thrift store furniture that I have loved. The pieces have character. They tell a story. They're uniquely yours and chances are no one else will have a piece quite like it..especially if it gets in my hands. So, I began buying the $5 side tables and the $10 dressers. I had my sweet friend, Debbie over who got me started and I bought an e-book from www.altard.com (where I get most of my inspiration). So far, I have refinished two end tables and a dresser in our bedroom, a dresser in our guest bedroom, an entertainment unit in our living room and now this....

It began as a $5 end table that I picked up at a yard sale and is now a bedside table in my guest room. Coming up next....
This is a desk that we bought at an estate sale for $35. It looks to have been built around 1950. There's great character in this piece!!! My plan is to paint the bottom half  'antiqued white' and leave the top as an exposed wood stained a dark espresso color. I will keep you posted on how it goes.

What did I learn: Antiquing furniture is my stress reliever! I will be doing a lot of it!!! :)

Grocery Budget Update: Today is my CVS/Walgreens day. I spent about $12 between milk, newspapers and a few personal items. So, that leaves a meager $38 for food! Can we do it? Tune in next time...

Friday, August 5, 2011

{LISTEN} :to hear something with thoughtful attention

I have been reading through the Old Testament {currently in Exodus}. I am taking a short break to go to one of my FAVORITE books: PROVERBS! I knew that as I begin my job search and see the different avenues available to me, I would need wisdom. So...as I began reading {I'm only on chapter 4 right now}, I started noticing a word or phrase coming up quite often: LISTEN or PAY ATTENTION. 

The Lord is telling me to ... stop talking ... sit down ... & listen! For those of you that know me, these are apparently tough concepts for me to grasp! Today, I have deemed it a 'quiet day.' There won't be a tv on nor a radio. Today is a day to listen and silently worship Him! I have faith that if I stop to Listen, He will lead. But, I first have to relinquish control, STOP TALKING and ...
{Listen}: to hear something with thoughtful attention.

For those of us {yes..me included} that need it broken down


Step Two: BE STILL!

Step Three: LISTEN AND {Please Wait}

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monthly Grocery Budget Goal...

In looking at ways to save some green (especially during my job hiatus), I have made a goal to spend no more than $150 on our family groceries this month. That's right, that number leads off with a ONE! So, my goal is $50 a week basically. This may be a bit easier for me because I already have a nice 'mini' stockpile with meats, cereal and bread (my family's staples). Plus we are getting our weekly veggie supply from our CSA (Crop Sharing Association @ http://www.minimiraclesfarmsc.com/). So, $50 SHOULD be a piece of cake. Every Wednesday/Thursdayish, I will try to let you in on how I'm doing. This week, I spent $40 (saved $39).

On another fun note, we are getting lots of veggies that tend to be more than we typically eat in a week. Plus they  have free tomatoes sitting for us to grab with our shares. So, I decided to make a homemade marinara with all of the extra maters! Here is the recipe...so simple!...as well as a few photos.

(Grabbed from this month's Women's Day magazine)
Basic Marinara
1/4 c. olive oil
2 large onions, finely chopped
2 medium carrots, grated (I substituted green and red peppers)
8 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1/4 c. fresh oregano (I just used what I had in my spice rack)
4 - 28 oz cans whole plum tomatoes (I used one can of diced tomatoes with the juice and about 10 tomatoes chopped)

1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions, carrots (or peppers), 1 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until very tender and beginning to brown, 15-20 minutes.
2. Add the garlic and oregano and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes.
3. Add the tomatoes and their juices, squashing the tomatoes with your hands as you add them (great for kids for those daring parents out there!) to the pot; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until thickened, 45-55 minutes.

 Nice and Pretty in my Ball Jars:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A New Look...

With all things new...what do you think about the new look here?! Too much???

A New Journey...

This past Saturday, I was 'laid off' from my real estate job with a local developer. While, I know the reasoning was 100% financial on their part, it still stings a bit. You can't imagine how low and fast your heart can drop unless you've heard the words...'We're going to have to let you.' I had never heard them. There hasn't been a day in my adult life that I haven't had a job. And, I've never been let go. So, this is a completely new feeling!
A friend of mine always used to talk about perspective. We all look at life through a certain perspective. And, while I am sure I will have low moments. I am walking into this journey as a new opportunity. God has a purpose in all things. And, it's when I don't exactly know my next step that I MUST place all of my faith completely in HIM. I think he's giddy right now. Because if I were honest, I can't say that I always do that: place ALL my faith in Him. I mean I trust him for the overall picture and I seek Him at large decisions, etc. etc. But, He wants me to DAILY NEED HIM! It's only when we've put aside our self reliance, pride and busyness that we can see just how deprived and in need we are!
So watch, walk, and share with me along this new journey ...

What did I learn?   I NEED HIM. BUT, HE WANTS ME!

(Packing my things was not fun! But, somehow I managed to fit 7 years into this!)